
This page would not have been possible without the input of the following individuals/groups (in alphabetical rather than contribution order). It turns out it takes a village to make a website!

Thank you all for your help!

From Lizzie Davies

Supervisors: Emma Chung, Michael Taylor, Debbie Peet

Financial support: Health Education England for support to complete Higher Specialist Scientist Training (HSST), this website is the product of the final project.

General work

Himashu Jasmat: For all his artistic input to the project, in particular graphical work on the associated patient information leaflet and poster.

Julius Mertens: For his work on the graphical display of risk data on the website.


Amy Collis: Amazing Vyond videography and co-ordination of all individuals involved.

In the videos:

Charlotte Surridge

Erica Mulligan

Gilda Carvalho

Jasbinder Basra

Help with the videos

Alimul Chowdhury

Andy Bridges

Andy Mear

Debbie Smith

Denise Gill

Gilda Carvalho

Jennifer Hughes

Mateusz Wawaczyk

Nicola Booth

Nicola Pearman

Lisa Rowley

Sarita Modi

Pepukai Magondo

Poppy Oswin

Richard Farley

Richard Raynor

Roya Jalali

For feedback and input on improving the website

Ann Brine

Bradley Chapman

British Society of Interventional Radiology

University Hospitals of Leicester patient liason group.


Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication